An expert answers your questions about managing chronic pain

2022-06-04 02:19:33 By : Ms. Sophia Yang

From freeze gels to TENS machines

Understandably, most of us don’t like to think too much about pain – after all, it’s bad enough when it’s happening. But managing pain – and differentiating between the different types in order to know how best to treat it – can be key when it comes to our overall health and wellbeing (as anyone who has experienced ongoing pain will tell you).

We put our questions to chartered physiotherapist Helen O’Leary, who specialises in helping treat sports injuries for everyone from professional rugby players to Cirque du Soleil performers. Here’s her expert guidance.

‘First and foremost, I’d recommend looking at why you’re getting any kind of pain – always see a GP or physio if pain persists. Depending on the type of pain and the cause, heat packs may be useful in some cases as they work to help provide effective warming relief. If the area begins to get itchy, remove the pad and let your skin breathe (I’d avoid wearing them before bed, since you won’t be able to tell if you have a reaction to the glue when asleep). A back support can occasionally be useful when fatigued – it gives your muscles and back support, but bear in mind it’s not actually fixing the problem, so use it only if you really have to.

‘Taking ibuprofen for back or neck pain can also be helpful, if suitable for you to take. It can help ease pain and treat inflammation – but consult your GP if you get an upset stomach, or need to use them regularly.'

‘For this type of pain, depending on the cause, an anti-inflammatory gel may be a useful option. Knees or ankles, for example, are more “superficial” joints, so the gel doesn’t have to try and penetrate multiple layers. As with back pain, though, ask yourself why the pain is occurring. Are you getting it after a run or HIIT session? Or perhaps it’s when you’re sitting down all day versus when you wake up in the morning.

‘The quicker you see an expert, the quicker we can help – which might include looking at your fitness or training programme and helping you tweak it. A physio will also be able to give you specific exercises to build your strength to prevent further injuries.’

‘Gels or creams of this nature can be helpful if you have, say, twisted your ankle or pulled a muscle to provide short-term relief. The important thing to realise, though, is that everyone is different – find out what works for you and your body, as we don’t all respond in the same way to everything.’

Should I use topical pain relief or tablets?

‘If you struggle with tablets – perhaps they make your tummy upset or you cannot take them due to existing medication – things like a topical gel or cream, heat packs, cold packs or a TENS machine can be useful (in many cases, both options work well together). If you are on medication and experiencing pain, consult your GP or pharmacist to ask their advice on suitable products to help – it’s important to find out why the pain is occurring.’

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